I, You

I, You

I know you can see me.

You may not have a very clear picture of me in your mind,
But I know I exist as a glimpse of a shadow at least. I know this because that’s what a sentence is by nature and so far, I have existed to you in the form of three of them.

I’m not a complete picture to you as yet, but that’s ok. I don’t think
any of us ever are, not even to ourselves. For now, I am words on this screen.
Unimpressive, perhaps, but I promise that by the time you reach its conclusion, You will know that you cannot possibly exist without me and
I, You.

I’m sorry she hurt you.

You didn’t expect that did you?
You didn’t expect me to know that you were in pain.
I’m sorry you were made to feel that you were never enough, that you were too short, too stupid,  or
Unworthy. I’m sorry, you felt that you did not belong. I’m sorry that I was never
There for you while you were going through these things. I wanted to be.

No one ever had the right to hurt you or make you feel that way.
I want you to understand that those things are a lot like me, as I exist to you
at this moment __just words.

Do you feel sorry for me because I am just words? Maybe you have started
to see a clearer picture in your mind of what I may look like? Perhaps you hear a pleasing tone
in my voice or even a reassuring gaze returned within the reflection of your own imagination.
Words can do that.

So you must understand at this point that you can no longer just see me as
words on a screen, just as I know that because of what I have written, you have already begun to breathe
life into me.
You are beginning to understand me and 
I, you.

When would you say you first began to feel that I could exist? Was it that time at your
grandmother’s when those other kids made you feel like you were different? Was it when your
Dad told you that your family would be moving again?
__Perhaps the crush on that Irish girl…
Ah, what was her name again?

You deserved better. You deserved true love.
You deserved to not feel embarrassed by your own family.
Why can’t you forgive them for not being good enough?
Why can’t you forgive yourself?

You still have doubts. I can see you pouring back over the words above, looking at the
Generic circumstances I have spelled out. You’re tearing me down. I cannot be real.
I cannot be the woman, never mind the presence that you so wanted to believe had been
There the whole time. I assure you that I am very real.
I can still hear the babbling brook next to that cabin in the woods,
so, how did you put it?

You still don't believe me?

Shadows have no tangible footing in this world, their existence is based solely on the
Presence of light. I have felt everything that I have written on this page.
I exist because you have read them. I exist because you created me.
I exist because you were able to call to mind everything I wrote on this page.
I exist because you have hope that there is a world where
you and I will meet.

You are everything to me and now you know that your thoughts could not exist at this moment without me


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