A Crow named Tomorrow

  "It takes a certain amount of beauty mixed with strategy and sheer stubbornness or rather what I like to call, sticktoitiveness, to reach the top level in any game. Al explained to Sophie in between shoving his hand into a bag of Cheetos and cheeses puff crunches then continued to talk with his mouth full. __Especially in the first-person shooter where although you may only have a set amount of earned tools/weapons and moves in-game, you can use them in whatever combination you see fit to defeat your opponent or find your way out of the maze, collect the piece of skill you'll need to gain access to the next level and so on." Al rolled his hand out in between crinkling it back down into the bag emphasizing each point, inadvertently throwing crumbs into the air.

 Sophie wiped the crumbs off her sleeve and desk, opened her mouth and put her finger up in an attempt to interject as
Al paused just long enough to slurp from his soda.  She managed to get in half a sentence "But how do you know?"  when Al dismissed the rest of her question by taking his hand out of the Cheeto bag and gesturing a stop with an outstretched hand. He half-smiled, 
whipped his chair back around towards his computer, and started hammering away on his keyboard at a pace that sounded like abouth70 wpm to Aire from her virtual position.

"If you think a bit more on that statement, pretty much everything you approach in life is fashioned after that premise. We have to crawl before we walk and in doing so we gain the necessary bone and muscle structure needed to hold our bodies up for the task."  Al had typed about four lines of code while delivering that sentence and then half turned his chair back toward Sophie, this time motioning her to look closer at the split monitors as he waved his hand back and forth across the two. He took another slurp of his soda and continued. this time in an excited, almost exhilarated tone of self-assuredness.
 "There is an intelligent design behind that and its equation is formulaic, precise and to some degree, predictable.
If given set criteria and circumstance, if we say add known variables such as family setting, Al hammered out some more keyboard strokes__geography, societal status, heritage, Al pecked at the keyboard and paused in between points to look up at Sophie and phone screen, __then the simple task of learning to walk becomes a line of code that can be cataloged and applied. He turned his attention back toward his result and waved his hand in a Viola motion over both screens, one showing the code he had just written and the other depicting a scene of an avatar rig, waking up and stretching.

Al pecked out a couple more lines of code and then hit the Enter button as he pushed himself and chair away from the desk then slurped what was obviously the last of his soda out of a plastic cup that was almost the same size as him and the avatar started to skin itself as it stood up on the screen, now fully erect and more human-looking than mesh and polygon.

Coding is like that. You can see the bones of a circumstance or "event" knitting themselves with intelligent design, tweaking a step here or there at just the right second in time to allow for a set group of criteria. The more complex a move, the more code needs to be written. Al tossed his empty soda cup into the barrel across the room, nailing the shot. He snorted, pinched his nose, and wiped his mouth as men do sometimes to show a conclusion or confidence in their speech. Al did that a lot.

Aire had been sitting in silence for what seemed an eternity listening to this guy go on about the beauty of his code as if it were the lyrics to Aerosmith's Dream On. No one in the music world would ever be able to sing the song other than Steven Tyler she thought and if he had never done anything else musically in his life after that, Tyler would still be considered a genius for giving the world those lyrics.
This guy was talking about his contribution to the open-source viewer as if it could do for  Aftergrid what Dream on did for Aerosmith and although she didn't disagree with him, she couldn't, she didn't have the benefit of being in the same room as the two of them and she wasn't entirely sure of the validity of his code, but she knew immediately that she wanted to get Sophie in private and grill her on these key points. She was after all actually from Boston so she didn't remotely care for anyone comparing themselves to Aerosmith, not ever, not even a little bit and not even when it was a fictitious comparison that existed and was playing out solely within the confines of her own mind.

There was really only one thing that Aire took away from that whole video conference call that Sophie abruptly disturbed her Friday lunch break for and that was that this guy's name was Alphonse Alvaro Gideon but Sophie had referred to him as his Avatar which was a short annoying crow named Tomorrow and Beatrice hated him.


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