
Showing posts from May, 2020

A Crow named Tomorrow

  "It takes a certain amount of beauty mixed with strategy and sheer stubbornness or rather what I like to call, sticktoitiveness, to reach the top level in any game. Al explained to Sophie in between shoving his hand into a bag of Cheetos and cheeses puff crunches then continued to talk with his mouth full. __Especially in the first-person shooter where although you may only have a set amount of earned tools/weapons and moves in-game, you can use them in whatever combination you see fit to defeat your opponent or find your way out of the maze, collect the piece of skill you'll need to gain access to the next level and so on." Al rolled his hand out in between crinkling it back down into the bag emphasizing each point, inadvertently throwing crumbs into the air.  Sophie wiped the crumbs off her sleeve and desk, opened her mouth and put her finger up in an attempt to interject as Al paused just long enough to slurp from his soda.  She managed to get in half a sentence ...

Content Theft

There is absolutely nothing I can do about content theft except to remind you that no matter what monetary gain or small virtual popularity someone else's content that you've stolen may bring you, it will never change the fact that you yourself were not talented enough, or original enough to express yourself and your ideas through a medium that offers virtually limitless possibilities. ~ To believe that you have nothing to say is one thing, but to actually use someone else's creative expression to prove that fact to everyone else is something quite sadder than the theft itself. If you actually go so far as to try and pass someone else's work off as your own by selling, to me it's like announcing to the Virtual world that you not only didn't make that object, texture, etc, but you do not have the skill to update the ripped product either. Just imagine how completely stupid you'll feel when you get caught doing it. Second life is a small piece of my ima...

I, You

I, You I know you can see me. You may not have a very clear picture of me in your mind, But I know I exist as a glimpse of a shadow at least. I know this because that’s what a sentence is by nature and so far, I have existed to you in the form of three of them. I’m not a complete picture to you as yet, but that’s ok. I don’t think any of us ever are, not even to ourselves. For now, I am words on this screen. Unimpressive, perhaps, but I promise that by the time you reach its conclusion, You will know that you cannot possibly exist without me and I, You. I’m sorry she hurt you. You didn’t expect that did you? You didn’t expect me to know that you were in pain. I’m sorry you were made to feel that you were never enough, that you were too short, too stupid,  or Unworthy. I’m sorry, you felt that you did not belong. I’m sorry that I was never There for you while you were going through these things. I wanted...