hall of Doors Viewer
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In the early days of Henry Markram’s Blue Brain project research and later the VR industry, people dreamed of one day being able to emulate or record their consciousness and upload it into an avatar. Bio hacks and scientists alike were for the first time perhaps, going to great lengths vying for a strong foothold in what could only be described as a weird combination of Frankenstein singularity and organic biogenetics. All the eyes that had previously been on the neuroscientists in Sweeden were darting back and forth between Virtual Reality headsets and Markram’s research progress waiting for the peanut butter and chocolate to finally meet in a delicious prepacked cup of perfected product.
It was not unheard of for a group of hacks to be at the same sort of backroom bio hack party with accredited professors, neuroscientist’s and pharmaceutical administrators morbidly testing the waters and boundaries of using humans as lab rats.
A biohacker is any person that combines biology with hacking and this definition encapsulates everything from using nutritional supplements to self-surgery or what some would call “being chipped”.
Sophie Sautereau was a bio-hacker long before the term had ever been coined, much less actually used. In the early days of online virtual worlds, Sophie had become one of Bailey Morgan’s earliest RL, (Real Life) friends and she introduced her to the world of 3d social life and underground forum groups who’s members seemingly lived their entire social experiences through their avatar’s online personas.
A biohacker is any person that combines biology with hacking and this definition encapsulates everything from using nutritional supplements to self-surgery or what some would call “being chipped”.
Sophie Sautereau was a bio-hacker long before the term had ever been coined, much less actually used. In the early days of online virtual worlds, Sophie had become one of Bailey Morgan’s earliest RL, (Real Life) friends and she introduced her to the world of 3d social life and underground forum groups who’s members seemingly lived their entire social experiences through their avatar’s online personas.
In 2007 a very clever skiddy who went by the tag Simon Bar Spinister used the open source code in a Snow Globe viewer to create a Client he named Hall of Doors or HOD viewer as gamers called it. Its purpose was strictly for ripping textures and scripts created by other residents in Virtual worlds and it was quickly banned by most of the more established MMOs like Second Life and InWorldz. Simon had left the viewer’s project presumably after a series of DMCA violations managed to work their way into a class action law suite and the Hall of Doors viewer quickly fell into the swept up piles of Urban legends and Download sites on the Dark web that were loaded to the teeth with malware and malicious files.
No one wanted to risk being banned from their online accounts by using this monster of a viewer so by the end of 2008, Simon bar Spinister and his Hall of Doors viewer were about as accessible as one of Prodigy’s online bulletin boards and almost as relevant as Netscape.
In 2010 Someone had decided to resurrect HOD viewer with its capacity to allow for multiple logins and amended its code to scramble login locations. The drawback was that the HOD viewer had to be downloaded and run from Tor which was a browser that allowed people to surf the Dark web. Hall of Doors was now a viewer on command and worked much like Bitcoin, where a person would launch the viewer from their desktop and a series of queries would go out to anyone “fishing” and for a small fee would launch a “Door” and all the end user would see was a viewer being launched after he closed his Pay Pal or BitCoin Vault screen.
Bailey Morgan was as a short Irish Girl from Chelsea Massachusetts who resembled a cross between one of the Campbel’s soup kids and a shorter more freckled version of Tori Amos. She was much like Beatrice Fontaine in the sense that she never quite fit in and managed to make it through most of her life without anyone taking much notice of her, including herself. She, unlike Beatrice Fontaine never died her hair black and went to college, and she, unlike Beatrice Fontaine, didn’t grow up in Massachusetts and get to spend most of her Saturday afternoons, riding the T and hanging out in Kenmore Square or Faneuil Hall. Bailey’s father had taken a job out in Ohio to teach at a Mechanic’s school when Bailey turned ten year’s old and Bailey true to form, never found her footing with any of the midwestern kids at her school, who constantly bothered her to say "Clam Chowdah" or "Park the car in Havard Yard".
She spent most of her time in her room or at the area YMCA media center on the computer, honing her hacking skills and later taking part in writing one of the most beautiful lines of code ever known to the computer world known as Disable bool which would later allow screen share to operate without remote management, and in short, became the basis for the resurrection of the hall of Doors viewer. when Bay, as her grandmother called her, reached the tender age of 32, she decided that the small bedroom which doubled as her mother's sewing room, grew to small for her four computers and three monitors, she announced to her family that she would be taking an apartment down off of George Leven street, to which her brother replied, "Wow, you think you'll survive makin the big move two streets over from us?"
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